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EMS Competition "The Battle in the Gorge"

Since 2015, with the First Annual WV EMS Competition "The Battle in the Gorge," the participants of the Wilderness Medicine Rotation have entered teams in the competition and served as simulated "victims" in the competition scenarios.  This allows integration of teamwork and many of the skills taught during the rotation into realistic and challenging scenarios. These scenarios involve treating injured victims and rescuing them from difficult situations which may involve rope rescue or vehicular rescue skills.  Our teams compete against EMS and Rescue Teams from the region. We have competed in the Paramedic, Vertical Rescue, and the Top Gun Competition levels.  We have scored surprisingly well in the competition over the past two years and our participation has been well received by the EMS teams.  All of the participants have expressed that they have greatly enjoyed this experience and they gained great insight into the environment that EMS and Rescue providers are often called to function in. This is one of the most unique features of our rotation.

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